For me, photography and music are a perfect complement; I am a lover with passion of the beautiful sound of the instruments that combine perfectly with light, the minimalism of sound, a simple piano is able to achieve in me the creation of a world or a simple story.
My philosophy of life allows me to live in peace, in balance and control, to love with generosity, without paying attention to any human particularities, or ethnic groups, religions, or political positions. I am a citizen of the world.
My life has taught me to accept myself as I am, I understood that leaving behind the past I can travel more lightly, without limitations, that the future is not yet written, so I do not depend on it; I live today, I live now.
I love my loneliness, my way of seeing life, she has become my best strength, my best friend and confidant, and she has made me an indestructible being.
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